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Kosher for Passover


What makes food "kosher for Passover"?

There is more in our food than what we can see. There are also stabilizers, colors, artificial flavorings, additives, binders, preservatives, and things it's best not to think about! The business of ensuring that food products are kosher for Passover is a highly skilled and technical field. It requires both advanced Jewish scholarship as well as a sophisticated knowledge of all facets of the food industry.

Butter is OK, right? No, it may contain cultures and coloring agents derived from chametz (leavened grain products) or even lactic acid containing derivatives which are not permissible on Passover.

Even your morning coffee can be a problem. Some manufacturers use grain additives in their coffees or ethyl acetate -- a derivative of chametz -- in their decaffeination process.

And bran is commonly used in the filtering of many fruit juices, so your morning orange juice must be labeled "kosher for Passover" to be sure you are eating according to the food laws.

While our Passover grocery bills seem a bit exorbitant, we must appreciate that behind every reputable "Kosher for Passover" label stands an army of highly skilled experts. And, thanks to them, our clockwork consumption of everything from APPLESAUCE to ZUCCHINI LEEK AND MATZAH KUGEL is able to proceed smoothly throughout the entire week of Passover.



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