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Passover Information |
A Jewish man took his Passover lunch to eat outside in the park.
He sat down on a bench and began eating.
Since Jews do not eat leavened bread during the eight day holiday, he was eating Matzoh, a flat crunchy unleavened bread that has hundreds
of perforations.
A little while later a blind man came by and sat down next to him. Feeling neighborly, the Jewish man passed a sheet of matzo to
the blind man.
The blind man handled the matzo for a few minutes, looked puzzled, and finally exclaimed, "Who wrote this crap?"
Passover is approaching. At the sedar table, every Jewish child will be
retold the story of Moses and the Pharoah, and how God brought boils, locusts, hail and the other plagues onto the Egyptians. Yet in spite of
this overwhelming evidence of God's intentions, Pharoah refused to let the Jews go, until a tenth plague, the death of the first-born children
was inflicted on every Egyptian home, passing over the Jewish homes. Only after this tragedy did the Pharoah relent and let the Jews leave
slavery and Egypt to begin their journey to the promised land.
This has been known for generations. What has not been known is why the Pharoah, in the face of such overwhelming evidence would refuse to
release the Jews after the first nine plagues. It took eight years of research by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, the renouned psychologist and nurse,
to find the definitive answer. Dr. Kubler-Ross spent those years studying the Dead Sea Scrolls before discovering the answer. And once
found, it was obvious.....The Pharoah was still in de Nile.
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